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Signing an MOU to foster the floating offshore wind power industry

by ☆B ☆ 2020. 6. 16.

Signing an MOU to foster the floating offshore wind power industry



Ulsan City announced on June 10 that it will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with 19 domestic and foreign companies and institutions specializing in floating offshore wind power projects at 2:30 p.m. at the situation room on the 7th floor of City Hall.

This business agreement is designed by domestic and foreign professional companies and institutions to localize technology (products) and strengthen international competitiveness through joint research and information exchange on floating offshore wind power projects, and to establish a cooperative system following the creation of floating offshore wind farms in Ulsan.













Under the agreement, Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), Ulsan Techno Park, Ulsan University, and Ulsan University (CGO) ▲LS Cable Co., Ltd. ▲Hyundai Steel Industries Co., Ltd. and Unison Co., Ltd.

According to the agreement, the city of Ulsan will cooperate with the parties to provide administrative support for the successful development and demonstration of technologies related to floating offshore wind power projects and to allow them to participate in the ongoing project to create floating offshore wind farms.

Domestic and foreign specialized enterprises and institutions will strive to develop floating offshore wind power technology that can be applied internationally through mutual technical cooperation and information exchange.
















In addition, the private investors are pushing for agreement with city, donghae floating offshore wind parks near gas fields apply (product) to mutual agreement of the parties in the development of technology.Decided to consultation.

In particular, the signing ceremony is expected to provide a win-win opportunity by applying information exchange with private investors as well as expertise in the field of floating offshore wind power in Ulsan by participating in domestic floating offshore wind power installation and transportation, dynamic cable sector, and technical innovation and marketing and design support organizations.

The city of Ulsan is pushing ahead with the creation of a floating offshore wind farm, one of the four energy bridges for the eco-friendly new industrial city, as well as the pledge of the seventh-term Ulsan mayor.

To this end, private investment companies are consulting with central ministries and related agencies to provide administrative support, including regulatory reform, to facilitate the ongoing project to create floating offshore wind farms.

At the same time, the company is also striving to localize technologies and equipment for floating offshore wind power industries while pushing for "technology for design of large floating wind generators of 5MW" and "development of technology for design and evaluation of floating wind farms of 200MW."















In addition, Ulsan National University (May 2020 to January 2021, Ulsan National University, 470 million won) has been finalized for the first phase of the 'MW-level floating wind system development' project by the Korea Energy Technology Evaluation Institute this year, and the second phase of the project (around January 2021. 2021), which will require consultation, will also be applied for 5M-level projects.

Ulsan Mayor Song Chul-ho said, "As the floating offshore wind power project is still in the early stages of commercialization worldwide, it is urgent to expand its business through preoccupation of the market as soon as possible," adding, "We hope that Korea can lead the global offshore wind power market through mutual information sharing and technology development."

On the other hand, Ulsan, Ulsan floating for the formation of offshore wind parks near the gas field donghae a feasibility study and development and service agreements and private investment company five businesses in China last year.The licensing process, phosphorus and authorizations and complex formation project with the goal of (more than 1 gw) through 2025.

